View all by Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
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Submission to Yandere Game Jam 2023
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Be My Muse [Demo]
Return to Be My Muse [Demo]
Mini update: Zecharias' true form
September 26, 2024
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
Zecharias does have a true form, and I drew what would be close to his true form recently, just for fun: This isn't what he really looks like, but it's close. ^^ I hope to be able to put his full form...
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Update and plans for my games
September 20, 2024
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
Hello ;w; I apologize for the long absence.I've been very distracted by games that I recently got into, like Ultrakill, Pressure, and other Roblox games, as well as other real life stuff. However, I'm...
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Some plans for August
August 01, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
#plans, #update
I haven't been drawing or updating much things in July, as much as I wanted to. A vtuber I enjoy watching has announced that he's graduating and I was grieving. But I would say that the main reasons a...
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Character Profile for Zecharias, and thank you for 650+ downloads on A Date with Denial!
July 18, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
I wanted to give an update on things. While I don't have much to show yet, I did make a character reference sheet for Zecharias. It's still a WIP but I would like to post it. And also some sketches to...
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I made a spinoff game!
July 06, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
I made a spinoff game for Be My Muse and Let Me Remind You. It's called A Date with Denial: While it also features Zecharias as the love interest, it d...
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Making plans and trying to be consistent
June 23, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
Hello. It's been a long while since I last updated. ;w; Well, first of all, I'm not dead, and I'm still continuing this game. ^^; I've been sick on-and-off and had bouts of anxiety, which resulted in...
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Thank you for the 1000+ downloads. And some bad news on my health.
May 08, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
#health, #delay, #update
First of all, I want to thank you all so much for the 1000+ downloads! :D I was never expecting to get this many downloads. And I'm very grateful for it. <3 I'm also very grateful to everyone who has...
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Weekly update: A delay
March 31, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
#update, #delay
I am really sorry to announce another delay. I have not been able to do much drawing so I am not able to do much updates to the game at the moment. I have been sick for the past few days and have not...
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Late update. Sorry.
March 22, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
Hello, I apologize for not updating in so long. I think I would like to try to do weekly dev logs on this game and other future games if possible. Unfortunately, I was not able to update my game on th...
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Thank you for the 500+ downloads!!
March 08, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
I want to thank everyone who has downloaded and played this game, as well as everyone who commented and made videos on this game. :D I never expected to get this much traction on my first game, and I...
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Thank you!! And some plans for the future.
March 01, 2023
Batter_Sempai (Axolittle)
Thank you so much for the 61 downloads and the kind comments! I wasn't expecting this game to get any traction at all so this was a lovely delight. ^^ This is my first time making a game and I'm very...
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